aioqzone-feed Types

class aioqzone_feed.type.FeedContent(appid, typeid, fid, abstime, uin, nickname, curkey=None, unikey=None, topicId='', islike=False, entities=<factory>, forward=None, media=<factory>)

FeedContent is feed with contents. This might be the common structure to represent a feed as what it’s known.

curkey: Optional[str] = None

The identifier to this feed. May be a url, or just a identifier string.

forward: Union[FeedContent, str, None] = None

unikey to the feed, or the content itself.

classmethod from_feed(obj, **kwds)
islike: bool = False
topicId: str = ''

This is used to reply to this feed, or can be used to update this feed if current user own this feed.

Added in version 0.9.2a1.

unikey: Optional[str] = None

The identifier to the original content. May be a url in all kinds (sometimes not strictly in a correct format, but it is from the meaning)

entities: List[ConEntity]
media: List[VisualMedia]
appid: int
typeid: int
fid: str

Feed id, a hex string with 24/32 chars, or a much shorter placeholder.


fid is not a enough identifier for ANY feed. For comman feed that appid==311, it is a 24 or 32 length hex string, which might be satisfied. But for shares that appid!=311, it is a short string and is commonly used by multiple shares. So do not distinguish all feeds on this field.

abstime: int

Feed created time. common alias: created_time

uin: int

Feed owner uin.

nickname: str

Feed owner nickname.

class aioqzone_feed.type.VisualMedia(height, width, raw, is_video, thumbnail=None)
height: int
width: int
raw: str
is_video: bool
thumbnail: Optional[str] = None
classmethod from_pic(pic)
classmethod from_video(video)
classmethod from_profile_picdata(pic)